
Sunday 24 January 2016

LEGO at Boxwood

Boxwood now has a LEGO Mechanics Club. During some lunch recesses, Ms. Calverley and Ms. Breckenridge hold a LEGO club for some students in grades 4-8. Selected grade 8 students also have an opportunity to demonstrate leadership by supporting the participants. LEGO can be more than just a toy. It can be a tool for learning. Here are some of the benefits of LEGO:
  1. Lego provides tools that develop lateral thinking in a fun environment
  2. It teaches kids to think in three dimensions
  3. It improves literacy as kids work with instructions
  4. It develops problem-solving, organization, and planning by construction
  5. It improves creativity
  6. It enhances communication and critical thinking
  7. It boosts kids motor development.
Here are some of our students at work. We are really excited that we have a mix of boys and girls who are interested. Take a look:

Monday 4 January 2016

Advertising Techniques

As you know, companies spend a great deal of money to find ways to make us purchase their products. To support students' ability to think critically and make good decisions about what they buy, it is important to discuss the techniques that advertisers use to convince people to spend their money. In Ms. St. Jean's class, students are learning about these "tricks". Hopefully, this will help them to become better informed consumers and lead them to not "Fall For THESE!" techniques. Here are some pictures to demonstrate what they have been learning.