
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Assessment in Mathematics

As you know, mathematics is a focus for us at Boxwood. Our goal is to support student's conceptual understanding of mathematics and increase their ability to solve problems. To do this, we are learning strategies as a staff to accomplish this. Today, I am at a session for administrators facilitated by Dr. Chris Suurtnamm to further my understanding of how to support effective assessment in classrooms. The picture below identifies what sound classroom assessment is.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Three-Part Math Lesson

As many of you know, math is a focus of our board and school. One area that we are working to improve is our students' ability to solve real life problems. Presently, I am observing a grade eight math class that is presently engaged in solving a problem focused on furthering their understanding of percentages. I am looking forward to them presenting their mathematical thinking to the class soon!

Dental Screening at Boxwood

Today, we have our dental screening at Boxwood provided by York Region Public Health. Good dental health supports positive academic achievement and well being. Below are some tips for a healthy smile.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Descriptive Writing using Google Docs

Google Applications is a tool that YRDSB schools use to enhance student learning. Students have access to their own "Google Drive" in which they can create documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. The great feature about this is that student's work is automatically saved as they work. Students can also create folders in order to organize their work. Many of our classes now use "Google Apps", and some classes even submit their work to their teachers using this technology (for more information look up Google Classroom). Here is a picture of a class working on Google Docs for a descriptive writing assignment.

New Water Filling Station

Water Filling Station at Boxwood

Today, we received our water filling station. As you know, water is essential to our health. While students still have the option of drinking from the fountain, students can now fill up their water bottles in an efficient manner. Students simply have to put their bottle in front of the sensor and water flows into it. Hopefully, this will encourage our students to drink more water.