
Wednesday 30 November 2016

The Arts at Boxwood

On my daily walk today I noticed great examples of art at Boxwood. In Ms. Royce's grade 8 class which is presently being taught by Ms. Au-Yang, I had the honour of being shown an art piece that was created by all members of the class.  Students had to reproduce a famous painting. Each student has a small square of the painting to reproduce using pastels. In order to get it right, they had to communicate with their peers. At the end, they discussed how they could have done better with this task. Students not only demonstrated their skills with using pastels, but they also worked on their collaboration skills. See the result below. Well done grade 8s!

My next visit brought me to Ms. St. Jean's 5/6 class. They have been working on using patterns in art. Their task was to create an art piece using patterns in the style of traditional Islamic art. In this example of learning, students were learning about art from around the world and how to use patterns to create art pieces. Well done class. Check it out below!

My last visit brought me to Ms. Turcotte's grade 7 band class. Students have been busy working at music theory, making appropriate sounds and using correct technique with their mouthpieces. Today, I got to see them playing notes collectively on their instruments! They have improved so much. I appreciate the work that this class has put in to improve their skills. Keep it up.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Using Kahoot to Support Math Learning

Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! This is an engaging way to use technology to engage students in reviewing concepts that they have learned. We are always looking for ways to use technology to enhance our students' learning. Today, I observed Ms. Romanese's class using Kahoot to review number patters. Check out the pictures below to get a glimpse of their learning.

Using Kahoot to Support Math Learning

Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! This is an engaging way to use technology to engage students in reviewing concepts that they have learned. We are always looking for ways to use technology to enhance our students' learning. Today, I observed Ms. Romanese's class using Kahoot to review number patters. Check out the pictures below to get a glimpse of their learning.

Monday 14 November 2016

Remembrance Day @ Boxwood

Last Friday, November 11th, Boxwood P.S. had our Remembrance Day ceremony. The purpose of the ceremony was to honour the sacrifices that Canadians made in the past, and are still making today, for our freedom and liberty. We had different presentations and performances from our school band and different classes.We also observed the "Last Post" to honour and show our appreciation for these sacrifices. Lest we Forget!

Thursday 10 November 2016

Remembrance Day @ Boxwood P.S.

Tomorrow we are going to have our annual Remembrance Day ceremony. The purpose of this ceremony is to remember and recognize the efforts and sacrifices of our veterans from yesteryear and the men and women who serve in our armed forces today. Many of our staff and students prepared today by rehearsing their presentations. Our ceremony will begin at 11:00am sharp tomorrow and the sacred "Last Post" will begin at exactly 11:11am. Parents are welcome to attend. Please check in at the office first before proceeding to the gym.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Halloween at Boxwood

Yesterday we had a wonderful day to celebrate Halloween. We saw many creative and awesome costumes. We had our annual costume parade in the morning and then we finished with getting some physical activity by dancing to the "Monster Mash". In the afternoon, our intermediate students had a dance. This year student council implemented the new idea of having a Photo Booth. Many of our students enjoyed taking group pictures and "selfies". A great day was had by all. Special thanks goes out to our student council who organized and facilitated all of these events.