
Thursday 13 April 2017

Physical Activity at Boxwood

Along with supporting your children's academic achievement, another important task that we have as educators is promoting a healthy lifestyle. It is important for students to develop healthy habits such as eating properly and engaging in physical activity daily. This is important to their physical health and mental well being throughout their lives. We do this through our physical education classes and a variety of whole school activities. Ms. Smith has been working hard to increase the physical activity of our students. This includes organizing "Walking Wednesdays". This is when all of our students walk around our school for 20 minutes. Recently, our 5K Club began in which our students, on a voluntary basis, jog and walk during a recess. The goal is to run 5 kilometres. We also provide different activities in our gym classes. Now many classes are learning to play badminton and some of our primary classes had the opportunity to play curling. We encourage our students to keep fit and active by engaging in physical activity on a frequent basis.

Friday 7 April 2017

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On Wednesday, March 22nd, Boxwood recognized the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This event was planned and hosted by our student council. This day commemorates the lives that have been lost to fight for democracy and equal human rights in South Africa during the Apartheid regime (a regime which embraced racial discrimination). The focus for our presentation was to educate our students about what racism and shadeism are and to emphasize the message that all shades are beautiful. We had students present a powerful spoken word poem, students provided information to the school, and we had a public speaker, Sean Mauricette, discuss the impact of racism. Diversity, equity, and equality are important concepts at Boxwood!

Math Night at Boxwood

On Thursday, March 31st, we had our second community math night. The focus of this evening was to immerse our parents in solving problems. It was simply fantastic. We had many parents of students from different divisions participate. We provided a problem for parents to solve. Then we had teachers demonstrate how they use responses to these problems to teach students mathematical concepts. Great learning!