Here are some examples of students working on fractions. This task is designed for them to understand that the same fraction (e.g., 1/2) can be represented in different ways!
Friday, 8 February 2019
Fraction Anchor Chart
Anchor charts are a way to record learning and have something tangible for students to refer to. Here is an example of a fraction anchor chart in the primary grades that introduces the concept of fractions. As you can see, it uses the concept of sharing to help students understand that fractions are parts of the whole.
Fractions Professional Learning
As you know, math is a focus at Boxwood Public School like all YRDSB schools. After our whole school diagnostic, we have determined that we need to support our students from grade 1-8 with the concept of fractions. Our kindergarten teachers are working with early numbers with their students. To address this need, teachers will be working together for three half days to plan targetted lessons that have a focus on problem solving. Teachers will also deliver common assessments and mark them together to track student progress.
Celebrations in February
February is a month filled with some celebrations. Specifically Lunar New Year, Black History Month and Vasant Panchami are in February. We have updated our display case by our library to recognize these important celebrations! If you have time, come and take a look at them.
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