
Thursday 29 August 2019

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year

Hello Boxwood Families,

As the summer is nearing the end, it is time for school to begin. We look forward to having our students back to continue their educational journey with us. I would also like to take this time to welcome our new families. We are glad that you will be with us. We also look forward to continuing our partnership to support our students' academic achievement and well-being. We have been busy for the past few weeks getting our school prepared for the new school year. As you can see below, our school is bright and shiny. We also had our carpet removed from the office, and we have new, shiny tile. School begins on Tuesday, September 3rd. We will be meeting our students at the back of the school. Our kindergarten students will meet in front of the school in their play area. Please see the pictures below for a glimpse of our school.

Have a great weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday.

Dane Prince