
Tuesday 22 September 2020

Great Learning Happening at Boxwood!

 Good Afternoon Boxwood Families,

Our students have learned our new routines, have gotten to know each other better, and now they are focused on learning. This afternoon I went around the school to document the various learning opportunities that are being given to our students. Please take some time to look at the pictures below. My apologies for some of the pictures being sideways. It is great to see our students learning together!

Friday 11 September 2020

Welcome to the 2020/2021 School Year

 Hello Boxwood Families,

I hope that you are all well and safe. It has been great welcoming back some of our students and seeing their families. I appreciated seeing friendly and familiar faces and meeting our new students and families. I am also grateful that our parents and students have followed our protocols (e.g., wearing masks, no dropping off lunches...) that help to keep us all safe. It is important to keep this up as we want to keep our students in school. 

As you will see below, we have taken many precautions, as per YRDSB policy, for safety reasons (e.g., developing washroom schedules, implemented zones for specific cohorts to play in during recess, physical distancing reminder decals...). An important distinction this year is that no visitors are allowed in the school unless you have set an appointment. 

This first week has been focused on establishing routines and teaching our students the new protocols. We have been focused on helping our students to feel as comfortable as possible so that we can then focus on teaching our students! As we are not allowed visitors in our school, I will use this blog to give you insight about what is happening inside our school. 

Again, thank you, and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. Please see some pics below for our first two days at Boxwood.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year

Hello Boxwood Families,

As the summer is nearing the end, it is time for school to begin. We look forward to having our students back to continue their educational journey with us. I would also like to take this time to welcome our new families. We are glad that you will be with us. We also look forward to continuing our partnership to support our students' academic achievement and well-being. We have been busy for the past few weeks getting our school prepared for the new school year. As you can see below, our school is bright and shiny. We also had our carpet removed from the office, and we have new, shiny tile. School begins on Tuesday, September 3rd. We will be meeting our students at the back of the school. Our kindergarten students will meet in front of the school in their play area. Please see the pictures below for a glimpse of our school.

Have a great weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday.

Dane Prince

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Arts Carousel

In April, we had our annual Arts Carousel. This is an event in which the Boxwood community can see the tremendous work that our students have been doing in the Arts. This included musical and dance performances. Furthermore, we had many many displays of the artwork that students have completed outside and inside classrooms. We thank the many parents that attended and supported this event. I would also like to thank all the teachers for their work in making this event possible!

Asian Heritage Month-Ramadan

In May 2002, the Government of Canada signed an official declaration to designate May as Asian Heritage Month. This acknowledges the long and rich history of Asian Canadians from East Asia, Southern Asia, Western and Southeast Asia and their contributions to Canada. It also provides an opportunity for Canadians across the country to reflect and celebrate the contributions of Canadians of Asian heritage towards the growth and prosperity of Canada.

One of the celebrations happening this month that is being celebrated by many in our school community is Ramadan. Ramadan is a holy month of fasting and contemplation for Muslims. During Ramadan, most Muslims fast during the hours of daylight and increase their focus on prayer and contemplation. At the end of each day, the fast is traditionally broken with a prayer and a light meal called the iftar. Ramadan is considered a time for Muslims to recommit themselves to practicing compassion and generosity for others, as well as a time to cultivate spiritual renewal within themselves and their communities. Some of our students are fasting during this period as well. During this time of reverence and renewal, we extend our good wishes to staff, students, parents and members of the Islamic community who will be observing Ramadan. Lastly, we would like to thank Ms. Hadi and Ms. Calverley for our wonderful display that recognizes this event!

Friday 8 February 2019

Studens Working on Fractions

Here are some examples of students working on fractions. This task is designed for them to understand that the same fraction (e.g., 1/2) can be represented in different ways!