
Friday 11 September 2020

Welcome to the 2020/2021 School Year

 Hello Boxwood Families,

I hope that you are all well and safe. It has been great welcoming back some of our students and seeing their families. I appreciated seeing friendly and familiar faces and meeting our new students and families. I am also grateful that our parents and students have followed our protocols (e.g., wearing masks, no dropping off lunches...) that help to keep us all safe. It is important to keep this up as we want to keep our students in school. 

As you will see below, we have taken many precautions, as per YRDSB policy, for safety reasons (e.g., developing washroom schedules, implemented zones for specific cohorts to play in during recess, physical distancing reminder decals...). An important distinction this year is that no visitors are allowed in the school unless you have set an appointment. 

This first week has been focused on establishing routines and teaching our students the new protocols. We have been focused on helping our students to feel as comfortable as possible so that we can then focus on teaching our students! As we are not allowed visitors in our school, I will use this blog to give you insight about what is happening inside our school. 

Again, thank you, and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. Please see some pics below for our first two days at Boxwood.