
Thursday 19 November 2015

Analyzing Media

Now more than any time throughout history children are bombarded with images and messages in the media. To prepare them to for this new world, we need to prepare them to be critical thinkers that don't automatically assume what they read is true. For the past few weeks, our grade 7 & 8 students in Mr. McCall's and Mrs. Fitzgerald's class have been studying that media are constructions. They have learned to identify the parts of a media product and the possible purposes of a media creator in making a media product (e.g., logo, slogans...). Their task is to find find an ad in the form of PSA (Public Service Announcement), commercial, print ad, or online ad and analyze it to determine the message, the purpose, the elements of the add, and who the target audience is. They are doing great work! Here are some pictures of our students at work.