
Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Parent Telus Presentation

In addition to our student presentations, our School Council also arranged for Telus to provide a presentation to our parent community. This was a well attended event. The Telus ambassador spoke on a variety of topics that included: password protection, supporting children to use their technology effectively, the increasing and widespread use of the Internet, and maintaining your privacy. Thanks again to our School Council for their work in arranging this informative opportunity  for the Boxwood Community!

Student Telus Presentations

To support students to engage in safe behaviour on the Internet,  Telus Ambassadors came to our school to speak to our junior and intermediate students. The Ambassador provided some important information regarding safe Internet and smartphone practises. This included discussion on the topics of cyberbullying, keeping your password safe, and the dangers of posting inappropriate content online. Special thanks to our School Council for organising these sessions for our students.

Media Literacy

One of our goals is to create students who think critically and question the messages and images they see. The world of advertising is one area that we want students to be more aware and critical. We want students to understand that the purpose of advertising is to sell a product or service and the messages are constructed. We want students to carefully consider how truthful the advertisements are and understand the message that they are sending. Here are some samples of work of work that some of our grade 8 students are engaged in.

Grade 3 Math Store

In Ms. Kenwell's class, students were provided the opportunity to apply their knowledge of money and number sense (e.g., addition, subtraction). A "store" was set up in their class in which students had to record the total of the items they bought and the change they would receive. This is another example of using real life experiences to support students' understanding of math concepts. 

Growth Mindset in Mathematics

Research has shown that students' attitude towards math is a significant factor in their achievement in this area. To address this, we provide students with some positive messages about math. You can see an example of some of these messages posted in a classroom below.

Learning Fractions

As educators, our job is to find the best ways to teach our students. Some students learn well with paper and pencil tasks while others learn best through real life experiences. In Ms. Caceres's class, the students are learning fractions through cooking. They are making treats using fraction measurements. This is helping them to understand that a fraction is a part of a whole. Below are some treats in which they used their knowledge of fractions to create. Yummy!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Poetry in Ms. Fitzgerald's Class

Presently, Ms. Fitzgerald's grade 8 students are reading and learning poetry. They have been investigating how poetry can communicate a feeling, thought, and belief. The students have selected an emotion/feeling, and the students created a poem to explain that feeling. I am proud of the creativity that our students have demonstrated through this task. Take a look below at a wonderful poem. Great work.


Doubt is like dark rainy clouds
Like being locked in a freezer
Foul like garbage burning my nose
Doubt is like a bitter cup of coffee,
And feels like a thunder storm destroying all that's positive
Doubt sounds like someone telling you that you will never be successful,
And moves like a thief in the night creeping its way into your thoughts
Doubt is like thorns pricking your finders keeping you away from what you love
Doubt is what blocks my path to success, but eventually I will break the barrier
and reach my goal
Because I know the sky is the limit
Doubt is full of bad thoughts, memories, and is what weakens self-confidence
but that is all part of life
Life is full of ups and downs but that doesn't mean you should give up
"Life is like a bumpy road, but you can always change direction"