
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Poetry in Ms. Fitzgerald's Class

Presently, Ms. Fitzgerald's grade 8 students are reading and learning poetry. They have been investigating how poetry can communicate a feeling, thought, and belief. The students have selected an emotion/feeling, and the students created a poem to explain that feeling. I am proud of the creativity that our students have demonstrated through this task. Take a look below at a wonderful poem. Great work.


Doubt is like dark rainy clouds
Like being locked in a freezer
Foul like garbage burning my nose
Doubt is like a bitter cup of coffee,
And feels like a thunder storm destroying all that's positive
Doubt sounds like someone telling you that you will never be successful,
And moves like a thief in the night creeping its way into your thoughts
Doubt is like thorns pricking your finders keeping you away from what you love
Doubt is what blocks my path to success, but eventually I will break the barrier
and reach my goal
Because I know the sky is the limit
Doubt is full of bad thoughts, memories, and is what weakens self-confidence
but that is all part of life
Life is full of ups and downs but that doesn't mean you should give up
"Life is like a bumpy road, but you can always change direction"