
Monday 14 January 2019

Happy Thai Pongal!

Happy Thai Pongal!

Today many within our community are celebrating Thai Pongal. Thai Pongal is one of the most important festivals celebrated by Tamil people.  Thai Pongal is a harvest festival dedicated to the Sun God. It is a four-day festival which according to the Tamil calendar is usually celebrated from January 14 to January 17.Thai Pongal corresponds to Makara Sankranthi, the harvest festival celebrated throughout India.

In 2016, the Federal Government of Canada proclaimed January as Tamil Heritage Month. Tamil Heritage Month aims to celebrate the richness of the Tamil language and its literature, as well as to highlight the vibrant traditions, histories, arts, and cultures of Tamil Canadians. In addition, it seeks to recognize the significant contributions of Tamil Canadians in key areas of social, cultural, economic, and political spheres. 

To recognize this month Ms. Calverley and one of our parent volunteers, Ms. Paramasamy, created a display to celebrate Tamil culture in our display case by our library. Thank you so much! It looks amazing. To further recognize Tamil Heritage month, we are going to read quotes each day from the Thirukural. The Thirukural is a classic Tamil text consisting of 1,330 couplets or Kurals, dealing with the everyday virtues of an individual. It is one of the two oldest works of Tamil literature.